The Continental: From the World of John Wick (or simply The Continental) is an upcoming American crime drama television miniseries developed by Greg Coolidge, Kirk Ward and Shawn Simmons that serves as a prequel spin-off in the John Wick franchise. Coolidge and Ward will write and serve as showrunners for the series. The series was directed by Albert Hughes and Charlotte Brändström, with Mel Gibson set to star in the show.
The series is scheduled to premiere on September 22, 2023 on Peacock in the United States.
John Wick: The Continental is an upcoming television series that serves as a spin-off to the popular John Wick film franchise. The series is set in the same world as the movies and revolves around the fictional luxurious hotel called "The Continental." In the John Wick universe, The Continental is a clandestine establishment that serves as a neutral ground for assassins and offers various services tailored to their needs.
Keanu Reeves
Mel Gibson
The show will explore the rich lore and mythology of the John Wick universe, shedding more light on the intricate network of assassins and the underworld they inhabit. It will delve into the history and inner workings of The Continental hotel, providing a deeper understanding of its rules, the high-stakes world of professional killers, and the complex relationships between these characters.
Mishel Prada
Collin Woodel
John Wick: The Continental is expected to offer fans an immersive and action-packed experience, filled with intense moments and compelling storytelling. While specific plot details and release dates are yet to be unveiled, the series promises to expand on the beloved John Wick universe, offering fans a deeper dive into the thrilling and mysterious world of assassins.